Dear Christian leaders, we must please stop following the superstar celebrities. They are not leading us in the path of godliness. We must stop copying them and wanting to be like them. We must stop perpetuating the glittery religious show.
Malcolm Webber
Four questions I love to ask, and three unexpected benefits that come with them.
Adrian Pei
Ultimately, the Church will thrive because of people and not because of structures or ministry strategies!
Malcolm Webber
Apart from leaders, organizations will only ever perpetuate themselves. However, either through or entirely apart from organizations, leaders can perpetuate divine vision.
Malcolm Webber
Building leaders is the central activity of the effective organization. It is hard-wired into everything everyone does. It is everyone’s responsibility to nurture and expect leadership everywhere. This creates leadership multiplication.
Malcolm Webber
We are not called by God merely to promote values, but we are called to promote a Person – the Lord Jesus!
Malcolm Webber
Managers and leaders are different. What do we do with this information?
Malcolm Webber
Being intentional was a reminder for me to stay focused, to know what on earth I am here for, to live proactively, and not be caught up reacting to the many needs that surround me, and to live purposely the one life that has been entrusted to me, with courage and humility.
Rod Denton
Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good (Titus 2:6-7a). Here are some ways to “jumpstart” that commitment.
Chuck Lawless
We short-change the idea of visionary leadership if we think it refers to big-talking, charismatic personalities who manipulate the people to accomplish their own predetermined and self-serving purposes.
Malcolm Webber
The best critic is the not the one who is merely right, but rather the one who has earned the right to be heard in a way that changes things for the better. That only happens when the critic is someone you trust. Whom do you trust more than that one you are already convinced loves you?
David Goodman
Today I’m going to look at “leadership capacity” as a function of strength – strength to carry the responsibilities that we feel called to shoulder.
Mike Breen
View the latest Leadership Laughs comic from Dennis Fletcher!
Dennis Fletcher
What is an area where you have to give up your fear of failure?
Aly Halbakken
Delegation is also the number one development tool you possess as a leader. No amount of education (important), training (also important) or feedback (very important) can substitute for direct responsibility. Emerging leaders need to learn under the yoke of responsibility. Look back at your own growth as a leader to see the truth of [...]
Jess MacCallum
How do we respond when our leaders fail or disappoint us?
Adrian Pei
Most changes we contemplate and enact aren’t poorly designed. When change goes sideways it’s likely due to poor presentation and communication. We can’t forget that our people love yesterday; yesterday is safe. Tomorrow is scary. Let’s consider forging the link rather than emphasizing it.
Corey Olynik
Conformity is doing the minimum, the easiest thing … which is usually to see and react to our immediate surroundings and behave like everybody else – whether on e-mail, social media, or at a social gathering. Leadership is about seeing and noticing more.
Adrian Pei
Do you struggle to interpret the Scriptures soundly? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber
How do you know when it is time to go? When is time to step back from ministry? Is there a good time to make a change?
Jay Temple