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Rick James

About the Author

Dr. Rick James is an organizational change specialist with more than 25 years’ experience consulting with over 100 NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization), mission agencies, churches and government aid departments. He worked for ten years in Malawi and four years in Latin America. He has a Ph.D. in OD (Organizational Development) and leadership development in Africa from CASS Business School, London. His most recent books include: Leading with Courage and Humility; Inspiring Change and Capacity Building for NGOs: Making it Work. Rick has facilitated the OD and Christian Organization Learning group since its inception in 2008.

Find Joy in Everything

The funeral last weekend was harrowing. An energetic young mother of two little girls, struck down by cancer. I have no idea how her husband was able to stand at the front and speak. Trying desperately to hold himself together, he recounted how his wife had a four-word motto she lived by – “Find joy […]

Rick JamesRick James

When the Bishops Repented

Three years ago, the TEF (Tangababwe Evangelical Fellowship) was closed due to resource constraints, weak leadership and lack of clear direction. During one of the workshops, the chair publicly acknowledged his failings and accepted responsibility for many of the errors that had left TEF in such a state. This set the tone for the short [...]

Rick JamesRick James