Every significant moment in history was led by leaders who were committed to another way. Leaders who acted counter-culturally. Leaders who selflessly did what was right rather than what was popular or comfortable.
Jenni Catron
We can be exponentially more disgusted with the sin in other people’s lives than we are with our own. Our own sin can fail to anger us the way someone else’s sin does. Here are three common examples of this.
Eric Geiger
The choices we face today are the same as ever, are we going to follow Jesus today?
Rick James
Jesus did not recruit His men from Bible Colleges or Universities or the political arena. He largely found ordinary men in the marketplace, men with certain qualities.
Rod Denton
Our desire for safety is not wrong, it is merely misplaced. We look to protect ourselves from the uncertainty of this world by seeking control ‒ often by accumulating wealth ‒ but the peace we are longing for cannot be found in money.
Skye Jethani
Have you ever known someone who let power or position go to their head? I’ll bet it was hard for you to follow or respect that leader. Power is an essential force in human relations that can be used for good or evil, but to be a benevolent force it must be tamed; therefore, Christ’s stewards must consider the responsible use of the [...]
Howard Rich
Being flexible allows us to assess what’s coming at us, and it helps us to focus on the things we can control and to not lose it when things come that we can’t control. I want to tell you, those things will come; they always do.
Russ Cline
Most people blame external sources when they are criticized, yet doing that is a huge character flaw. Here are three questions you can ask to align yourself when faced with negative feedback.
Pieter Messelink
Not for earthly comfort or gain, not for recognition or fame, but because in due season, I will reap. And that, my friends, is truly good.
Katie Hughes
John Owen preached, “You must be killing sin or sin will be killing you,” and we must bring both intensity and intentionality to killing these viruses. We should not seek to manage them; we should seek to kill them.
Eric Geiger
Not all viruses have the same devastating impact on people. Some viruses are just more deadly than others. Regarding spiritual viruses, here are six (not an exhaustive list) that take leaders down.
Eric Geiger
Explore themes from Philippians in this excerpt from True Giving by Malcolm Webber
Malcolm Webber
Always remember, if you’re doing anything of substance and meaning, criticism will come your way. It can’t be avoided, but it can be advantageous if you respond properly.
Shane Pruitt
Obviously it’s almost impossible to really know someone’s character before they start work. But that’s no excuse for just ignoring it. We can at least try to find out what drives people and how they react in difficult situations. And it does not stop with recruitment – what about staff appraisal and development?
Rick James
"What ifs" are a part of everyday life and often, in the church, worry is looked upon as a sin. But the Bible is gentle with anxiety and reassures us of the faithfulness and loving kindness of our Father. We can rise above worry and anxiety by meditating on the promises God has given in His Word and focusing on the love that has never [...]
Rachael Dymski
Do you struggle with greed? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber
Although we may be highly motivated by a unique calling to serve, we often face numerous barriers along the path towards more effective leadership. Brittney shares a few of the potential hindrances that she has faced in her own time as a servant leader.
Brittney Moses
Though all of us struggle with pride, we often don’t recognize pride in our own lives and leadership.
Eric Geiger
Bosses who are in sin need brothers to confront them.
Eric Geiger
Do you struggle to avoid involvement in the occult? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber