The funeral last weekend was harrowing. An energetic young mother of two little girls, struck down by cancer. I have no idea how her husband was able to stand at the front and speak. Trying desperately to hold himself together, he recounted how his wife had a four-word motto she lived by – “Find joy […]
Rick James
Looking around at the most relevant and cutting edge ideas about leadership today, I’m guessing these two ‒ patience and pain ‒ probably wouldn’t make the list..
Adrian Pei
The most important leadership characteristic is credibility. Here are five common ways leaders lose their credibility.
Eric Geiger
"What's the excuse this time?" So often our team embarks on a new initiative and partway in, we can already hear people beginning to frame excuses as to why it won't (and eventually doesn't) work. What if we got them all into the open beforehand?
Corey Olynik
When a leader admits his or her weaknesses in front of an audience, I think to myself: “That’s great that you see that and can articulate it so well. But how will you follow that up? What kinds of steps will you take over the next few months and years in response to what you just shared with everyone? Are you sharing because you want [...]
Adrian Pei
We make our plans but they often go in much different ways. The key is how we respond to life’s challenges. Do we complain and moan? I often do. The challenge is to see beyond the circumstances and see the golden nuggets in the midst of our trials.
Joe Handley
In leadership, owning my own idea can be dangerous. If, as a leader, I place my value or my self-esteem on every idea I initiate, I will eventually become isolated from the valuable input of my team.
Jess MacCallum
The best leaders I know are consistently getting better, but while all of that is true, you can often spot a mature leader. They share common attributes.
Ron Edmondson
It’s never too early or late to strengthen our commitment to becoming a God-honoring leader. Everyone impacted by our leadership, including us, will be so grateful we did.
Dan Lovaglia
The primary calling of pastors and leaders in the Church is to lead people to become the type of disciples Christ has called them to be. And this means that ministry leaders must model what it means to be disciples.
Eric Geiger
The most important characteristic in effective communication and effective leadership is credibility. Just as people are unable to follow a leader they cannot believe or trust, a message will not be heard when it is delivered by someone who lacks credibility.
Eric Geiger
An individual can continue to grow even with a leader he or she cannot respect – sometimes even more. Here are seven actions I suggest when you don’t respect the leader.
Ron Edmondson
There’s no shortage of answers, and in the wake of each pastoral scandal, all sorts of finger pointing ensues. Certainly, we could, and probably should, question our definitions of success or our defining ministry philosophies. My goal is much more meager.
Matt Rogers
It seems like a simple recipe. First, you quiet your ego. Then, you become a better learner. Finally, you emerge a better thinker. If you have ever witnessed a disaster being pulled from a smoking oven, you know that some recipes are more difficult to execute than others. The recipe for better thinking is one of those difficult recipes [...]
Paul Metler
Rewards come in all shapes and fashions. David exhorts us that the greatest reward of leadership is being forced to frequently confront and admit our own shortcomings, constantly growing even as we are the catalysts for others to grow.
David Goodman
If we strive to be excellent leaders, we must be intentional and passionate about serving Christ and His church ‒ moving forward, engaging culture. Leaders are born, but they can also be developed.
Matthew Fretwell
Whether we know it or not, we adults (parents, educators, coaches, employers, aunts and uncles) are viewed by students as leaders. We are older and expected to be wiser than students. We must be careful of what we say and how we say it.
Tim Elmore
I want to be different in the days ahead. I want to break free from some encrusted attitudes. I want to set old fears aside and know victory over behaviors that have become unhealthy habits. I want to see God “create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.” And mostly, I want to experience the Holy Spirit’s work of [...]
Scott Rodin
Here are ten tactics used to avoid accountability for mistakes, poor practice, dysfunction, and outright deviance.
Kelly O’Donnell
If we want to live and lead like Jesus, we know this one thing about betrayal: it will show us more about ourselves than any other leadership experience we face.
Jess MacCallum