The best critic is the not the one who is merely right, but rather the one who has earned the right to be heard in a way that changes things for the better. That only happens when the critic is someone you trust. Whom do you trust more than that one you are already convinced loves you?
David Goodman
Delegation is also the number one development tool you possess as a leader. No amount of education (important), training (also important) or feedback (very important) can substitute for direct responsibility. Emerging leaders need to learn under the yoke of responsibility. Look back at your own growth as a leader to see the truth of [...]
Jess MacCallum
How do we respond when our leaders fail or disappoint us?
Adrian Pei
If you are just starting out in ministry, here are five key lessons Charles Stone learned over the last 20 years as a pastor.
Charles Stone
How can a leader let each person on the team know they are valued? When people you serve sense that you are responding specifically to them they know they are valued. Here are four ways leaders should respond to each person on the team.
Eric Geiger
Do you struggle to recognize others for their accomplishments? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber
What happens in your organization when something goes wrong? If you are like most, the first question is often, "Whose fault is it?"
Corey Olynik
What I’ve learned is that there are two modes we get into as leaders ‒ closed and open. I wouldn’t let anything or anybody get in so everything stayed the same.
Adrian Pei
Without feedback, your growth as a leader is stunted. But what if your boss or leader does not offer feedback? Or not enough of it? Here are three places to find valuable feedback.
Eric Geiger
We sometimes wish that everybody else in the church was "just like me," but the things that make us different are actually a blessing.
Alan Smith
The most effective leader development efforts are conducted within a living community of people in which the emerging leaders function and participate.
Malcolm Webber
Do you struggle to participate in the life of the local church? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber
Boss: "I wish my people would take more initiative, be more creative, get outside the box." Employee: "I wish my boss would turn me loose, untie my hands, let me show what I can do."
Corey Olynik
Trust is such a fragile commodity. It can easily be broken even before it is built. Yet we know trust is the foundation for healthy organizational behavior.
Elaine Vitikainen
Speaking negatively about your wife to others shouts that you are a poor leader in your marriage. The Proverbs 31 Husband recognizes his wife’s accomplishments and broadcasts his admiration to the world.
Jess MacCallum
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
Christians can, and should, speak to issues that shape the thoughts, actions, and affections of others. Should we see a person, concept, or trend that is destined to destroy others, we’d be sinfully negligent to not speak to the issue. So the question is not “if” we should speak ‒ we should.
Matt Rogers
Worship is not a concert. It’s not karaoke. Worship is not about us. It’s about God. How do we decide which style is right or best? Is it popular opinion? Does the pastor get to decide? How do we resolve this worship war?
Tyler Edwards
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber