The Scriptures are “God-breathed,” providing complete directions for equipping the people of God. We are to lead fruitful lives of obedience to the Scriptures, as we follow the example of obedience seen in the lives of those who have nurtured us in the writing of Scriptures.
Jim Brenneman
What I’ve learned is that there are two modes we get into as leaders ‒ closed and open. I wouldn’t let anything or anybody get in so everything stayed the same.
Adrian Pei
The medieval theologian, Thomas Aquinas, said that fear is a contracting impulse of the soul. It causes us to turn inward to focus only on ourselves. From this posture, we cannot love, give or serve others.
Skye Jethani
Do you struggle with drunkenness? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber
If there’s anything that Jeff Pessina has learned in 37 years of ministry in the Philippines, it’s that he doesn’t write the job descriptions in his life. “The most significant surrendering in my life was when things weren’t going the way I wanted them to or the way I expected. The Lord has never shown up as clearly and as audibly as at [...]
Kelsey McFaul
Without feedback, your growth as a leader is stunted. But what if your boss or leader does not offer feedback? Or not enough of it? Here are three places to find valuable feedback.
Eric Geiger
Many times, groups get “stuck” in the “desert of creativity” – going around in circles without any clear path toward fruitful collaboration. It is the job of the neutral facilitator to help their groups find common ground and move forward together. This is sometimes difficult, but other times it is simply a matter of helping people see [...]
Kärin Primuth
Discover a simple model of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives in The Transforming Work of the Holy Spirit by Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
We sometimes wish that everybody else in the church was "just like me," but the things that make us different are actually a blessing.
Alan Smith
Understanding the number one reason why Christian leaders struggle and fail.
Scott Rodin
Communication and leadership are intertwined and deeply connected. When leaders fumble in execution, culture formation, or rallying a team, the fumble is often in communication. Leadership mistakes are often synonymous with communication mistakes.
Eric Geiger
Part two of our new video course on building your life and teaching!
Malcolm Webber
The most effective leader development efforts are conducted within a living community of people in which the emerging leaders function and participate.
Malcolm Webber
Reflection can be tough. Even though I had a great year, there are challenges I face daily. I have to make daily decisions to overcome my fears of abandonment and broken trust.
Alex Anderson
Do you struggle to participate in the life of the local church? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber
Boss: "I wish my people would take more initiative, be more creative, get outside the box." Employee: "I wish my boss would turn me loose, untie my hands, let me show what I can do."
Corey Olynik
Many of us find ourselves in leadership positions, but we wonder sometimes if we’re really leading. And, frankly, sometimes there are folks around us who also wonder if we’re leading. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to see if you’re really leading as a Christian leader.
Chuck Lawless
So, how big is the whole universe? Astronomers calculate that the edge of the observable universe is about 46.5 billion light years away. Does it make you feel small? Yes?! Though we are so small, still God can use any of us to lead others in accomplishing His great plan.
Jim Brenneman
Currents not founded in Christ flow around us, pulling and pushing at our thoughts and attitudes. It is not the intent of the drifter to be carried away, but the consequence of not recognizing the presence and effects of currents.
William Frisbie
Would I go back to my first day as a pastor? I was pondering this the other day. After much thought, I concluded, Absolutely not. I wouldn’t go back if I could. I have learned a lot. The scars have taught me to walk closer with Jesus. I’ve seen enough of my weaknesses to not be surprised by them anymore.
Alan Briggs