Healthy Leaders

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God’s Job Description

If there’s anything that Jeff Pessina has learned in 37 years of ministry in the Philippines, it’s that he doesn’t write the job descriptions in his life. “The most significant surrendering in my life was when things weren’t going the way I wanted them to or the way I expected. The Lord has never shown up as clearly and as audibly as at [...]

Kelsey McFaulKelsey McFaul

The 18th Camel

Many times, groups get “stuck” in the “desert of creativity” – going around in circles without any clear path toward fruitful collaboration. It is the job of the neutral facilitator to help their groups find common ground and move forward together. This is sometimes difficult, but other times it is simply a matter of helping people see [...]

Kärin PrimuthKärin Primuth

The Velveteen Leader

Would I go back to my first day as a pastor? I was pondering this the other day. After much thought, I concluded, Absolutely not. I wouldn’t go back if I could. I have learned a lot. The scars have taught me to walk closer with Jesus. I’ve seen enough of my weaknesses to not be surprised by them anymore.

Alan BriggsAlan Briggs