We millennials need to realize our own callings, based on God’s Word matched with the calling and capabilities He has given us (1 Peter 4:10-11), or we won’t end up doing anything significant in this short life we have. We cannot waste any more time comparing our own lives and callings to those we see around us.
Joshua Webber
We are called to be one kingdom people, which means cultivating a holy, reverent fear of God.
Scott Rodin
What is your response to Jesus’ invitation to embrace the kingdom of heaven and follow Him?
Scott Rodin
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
Leadership is about both taking on and about letting go. But letting go is hard. We’re wired to take on more, give more, do more. Strategic plans bulge at the seams with new ambitions, new initiatives, new markets, new ways of working.
Dr. Stanley Arumugam
Do you struggle to be resilient and bounce back well from setbacks? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber
John Owen preached, “You must be killing sin or sin will be killing you,” and we must bring both intensity and intentionality to killing these viruses. We should not seek to manage them; we should seek to kill them.
Eric Geiger
I still laugh at when my dad built a birdhouse and put it up in his back yard. Thoughtfully, he stuffed the cute little structure with twigs to help the birds with their nest-building. Watching one day he saw a bird go inside the birdhouse and come out with a twig in her mouth, take it to a tree and return, only to get another twig. That [...]
Corey Olynik
Not all viruses have the same devastating impact on people. Some viruses are just more deadly than others. Regarding spiritual viruses, here are six (not an exhaustive list) that take leaders down.
Eric Geiger
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
For our faith to be real, for it to be truly meaningful, it must be alive in the hustle and bustle of the world. What is the point of having a car that cannot leave the garage? What is the point of having a faith that cannot leave the church?
Skye Jethani
Zephaniah and Obadiah are short but potent books that are worthy of extended study. Get a taste of Zephaniah in this excerpt from The Day of the Lord by Malcolm Webber.
Malcolm Webber
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
Do you know that the Lord Himself finds joy and satisfaction in His people? God’s people give Him pleasure! He joys over us with singing and takes delight in us. The new creation that is the church is a foretaste of the New Heavens and New Earth. While awaiting that glorious future God Himself says that we ought to rejoice in the people [...]
Jim Brenneman
It only makes sense when you wake up to the fact that, as a leader, you need to manage diverse gifts, personalities, and talents to have an effective team.
Ritch Hochstetler
Many churchgoers have stopped taking responsibility for corporate worship. Instead of making a fervent cry of thanksgiving and adoration to the Lord, many Christians stand passively in the audience, observing the worship leaders performing on stage.
Thom Schultz
If a leader does not set priorities, the pressures of today and the problems that fill an inbox will dominate every day’s agenda.
Eric Geiger
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
Frustration and fear feature strongly in change processes. Churches and Christian NGOs are no exception in my experience. Not surprising I suppose, given they are staffed by humans, not angels. But left undealt with, frustration and fear give rise to mistrust and effectively block efforts at change.
Rick James
Do you struggle with being content with the status quo? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber