Expatriates are often put into positions of leadership simply by nature of our physical presence or because of a certain number of years lived in a place. Sometimes it is because a person is a gifted leader, sometimes they are a reluctant leader, sometimes it happens organically, and sometimes it is an appointment.
Rachel Pieh Jones
Need a laugh today? View the latest Leadership Laughs by Dennis Fletcher!
Dennis Fletcher
Explore themes from Philippians in this excerpt from True Giving by Malcolm Webber
Malcolm Webber
Harvesting fruit is only possible when the branches abide in the vine; leaders can only bear good fruit when they abide in Jesus (John 15:4). George outlines the characteristics that a small church needs to have in order to flourish after planting. When leaders heed certain New Testament guidelines, churches multiply rapidly, [...]
George Patterson
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
Simply by valuing others, we can open up lines of communication that we thought were closed.
Elaine Vitikainen
Leaders come with a variety of experiences, tools, approaches and methodologies. The thing they all share, however, is the belief that they can bring value to an organization in the form of substantive change. They all believe they can guide a group to achieve a given goal. But no matter what area of expertise or experience, no matter [...]
Jess MacCallum
How do you recognize numbness in your own leadership? Here are three warning signs.
Eric Geiger
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm Webber
For many of us, faith was easy as children but has become far more difficult to sustain as adults. The problem, at least in part, is that we try to carry our childish faith into adulthood and find it inadequate.
Skye Jethani
Research studies all seem to return to one major theme to explain the exodus of church members: a sense of some need not being filled. In other words, these members have ideas of what a local congregation should provide for them, and they leave because those provisions have not been met. But many times, probably more than we would like [...]
Thom S. Rainer
Do you struggle to pray for others? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm Webber
Leadership is sometimes wearisome – so wearisome that we come close to giving up. Over the years, I’ve watched leaders slide into defeat, and I’ve seen some of these common signs of trouble.
Chuck Lawless
Always remember, if you’re doing anything of substance and meaning, criticism will come your way. It can’t be avoided, but it can be advantageous if you respond properly.
Shane Pruitt
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber.
Malcolm Webber
Obviously it’s almost impossible to really know someone’s character before they start work. But that’s no excuse for just ignoring it. We can at least try to find out what drives people and how they react in difficult situations. And it does not stop with recruitment – what about staff appraisal and development?
Rick James
"What ifs" are a part of everyday life and often, in the church, worry is looked upon as a sin. But the Bible is gentle with anxiety and reassures us of the faithfulness and loving kindness of our Father. We can rise above worry and anxiety by meditating on the promises God has given in His Word and focusing on the love that has never [...]
Rachael Dymski
How do we gain a biblically-balanced perspective on healing? Find out more from Healing in the Old Testament by Malcolm Webber.
Malcolm Webber
It is relatively easy to live victoriously when we are all by ourselves. The “spiritual lone ranger” is not tested as deeply as the man who lives in community. It is easy to be patient when no one is irritating us! In reality, we only really mature and grow as Christians in the context of community.
Malcolm Webber
God, in everything, carries out the plan of His will. Can we trust Him as leaders?
Deborah Chupp