Conditions and Events of the Last Days (from Things to Come)
What will the “Last Days” look like, according to the Bible? Find out in this excerpt from Things to Come by Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm WebberBe one. Build many.
What will the “Last Days” look like, according to the Bible? Find out in this excerpt from Things to Come by Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm WebberCreating has always been second nature to me. It is a treasured bond that I share with my dad. As I have grown older, creating art has also become a way for me to connect with my heavenly Father.
Carrie BeacheyBuilding leaders is not a quick process, by any means. We need to be prepared for the amount of time it takes transformation to occur.
Malcolm WebberEveryone gets down sometimes and feels like they aren’t valued and that they don’t matter. The thing is, you DO matter. You ARE valued. Very much so!
Dionna SanchezTrust is such a fragile commodity. It can easily be broken even before it is built. Yet we know trust is the foundation for healthy organizational behavior.
Elaine VitikainenA new video course on building your life and teaching!
Malcolm WebberSpeaking negatively about your wife to others shouts that you are a poor leader in your marriage. The Proverbs 31 Husband recognizes his wife’s accomplishments and broadcasts his admiration to the world.
Jess MacCallumJesus did not recruit His men from Bible Colleges or Universities or the political arena. He largely found ordinary men in the marketplace, men with certain qualities.
Rod DentonListen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm WebberOur desire for safety is not wrong, it is merely misplaced. We look to protect ourselves from the uncertainty of this world by seeking control ‒ often by accumulating wealth ‒ but the peace we are longing for cannot be found in money.
Skye JethaniAre you ever frustrated at work? Does it sometimes feel like a waste of time? It is worth remembering how Jesus’ presence can transform situations. As leaders and change facilitators we can learn a lot from His example – it’s a theory of change.
Hiwot AlemayehuDo you struggle to trust Jesus in your everyday life? This holistic design will help.
Malcolm WebberChristians can, and should, speak to issues that shape the thoughts, actions, and affections of others. Should we see a person, concept, or trend that is destined to destroy others, we’d be sinfully negligent to not speak to the issue. So the question is not “if” we should speak ‒ we should.
Matt RogersSince leaders are always pushing ahead into unchartered realms, they must be prepared to take intelligent, calculated risks.
Malcolm WebberWorship is not a concert. It’s not karaoke. Worship is not about us. It’s about God. How do we decide which style is right or best? Is it popular opinion? Does the pastor get to decide? How do we resolve this worship war?
Tyler EdwardsListen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber!
Malcolm WebberHave you ever known someone who let power or position go to their head? I’ll bet it was hard for you to follow or respect that leader. Power is an essential force in human relations that can be used for good or evil, but to be a benevolent force it must be tamed; therefore, Christ’s stewards must consider the responsible use of the [...]
Howard RichI’ve done a lot of recruitment in my time. Competence was usually the most important thing we looked for (if not the only thing). After all we don’t want to hire incompetent staff. But I now wonder if we placed too much emphasis on competence alone. Perhaps we should also recruit based on calling.
Harin Watson