Healthy Leaders

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Follow to Lead

We know how important leadership is. Leaders provide role models and establish the level of trust. We have rightly focused on leader development. But leadership is not a person; it’s a relationship between people. If we only focus on the leader, we are in danger of under-estimating the importance of being a good follower. We […]

Hiwot AlemayehuHiwot Alemayehu

Struggling and Losing the Plot

I’ve been working with some leaders recently who are persevering through perennial and seemingly unrelenting loss. Their hearts are asking, “Is the struggle God’s calling for my life? Is my job just to persevere?” It’s so tough. Yet I don’t think that the struggle is the sum total of God’s calling for any life. Yes, […]

Dorothy StewartDorothy Stewart

Find Joy in Everything

The funeral last weekend was harrowing. An energetic young mother of two little girls, struck down by cancer. I have no idea how her husband was able to stand at the front and speak. Trying desperately to hold himself together, he recounted how his wife had a four-word motto she lived by – “Find joy […]

Rick JamesRick James

Putting the Mask On First

That little yellow mask that drops down from the ceiling in an airplane gives life-saving oxygen in a depressurized cabin. Oxygen is something that we take for granted while our feet are firmly planted on the ground. Sam discusses how our relationship with God is as crucial to leadership life support as oxygen is to the physical body. He [...]

Samuel VoorhiesSamuel Voorhies