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Leader Development Blog16

Can I Borrow Your Glasses?

Research provided by McKinsey’s Organizational Health Index suggests that one of the most important behaviors for effective leadership is “seeking different perspectives.” Why do leaders choose to “go it alone?” What are the mental roadblocks that prevent leaders from taking advantage of the value of different perspectives?

Paul MetlerPaul Metler

Want to know how NOT to make disciples? In this humorous and insightful two-minute video clip from the Verge Conference, Francis Chan begins to answer the question, “How can we make true disciples of Jesus?”

How Not To Make Disciples

Want to know how NOT to make disciples? In this humorous and insightful 2 minute video clip from the Verge Conference, Francis Chan begins to answer the question, “How can we make true disciples of Jesus?”

Francis ChanFrancis Chan

Do You Know Where Your Metron Is?

We're not to "think of ourselves more highly than we ought, because God has given everyone "the measure [metron] of faith," and we're to stay within our own measure. “We have many members ... but all the members do not have the same function ..." (Rom 12:2-4). Christ delegates to us the authority to follow His call within our own metron, [...]

Patricia TillmanPatricia Tillman

Lancing a Boil

In Malawi we have a proverb that tells the story of a dog sitting on a warm verandah. He hears the sound of a lion roaring in the distance, but it is so comfortable in the sunshine…. So he stays put. He keeps hearing the roars get closer and closer, until it is too late to move.

Jonathan MbunaJonathan Mbuna