Healthy Leaders


Video: Solitude – Strengthening the Resilience of Your Soul

Brent HooverBrent Hoover

As Christian leaders we are often driven by unseen expectations within our culture towards a results-oriented, task-driven, busy ministry lifestyle. If not countered by an even greater power, that kind of hectic pace will cause an erosion of one’s soul, emotions, body, and relationships. We can sense this happening in our own souls at times, and the fallout of many Christian leaders’ lives attest to it also. It should not be ignored. 

What is that greater power? It is following Jesus into His way of solitude.

While facing a world of extreme need, Jesus – as our leader – modeled and called His servants towards a very different way of faith and practice. Resilience was built into the Son, by the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit over time in the solitary places. God can do this in your life also. But we have to actually follow Jesus into this way of life just like we have followed Him in other ways.What is the practice of solitude that Jesus invites us to? What can it do for me as a Christian leader? What are some ways to live it out? How can I lead others into it? This video seeks to answer these questions.

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