Healthy Leaders


The Expatriate and Leadership

Rachel Pieh JonesRachel Pieh Jones

We recently welcomed four new co-workers. I’ve been thinking a lot about leadership and turned to Moses for guidance. Here are a few of the principles I see from his life:

A miraculous encounter with God doesn’t make a person a good leader.

The leaders of the Israelites had a picnic with God. Seventy men, including Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu saw something “like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself” under his feet. They ate and drank on the mountain in God’s stunning presence. Less than 40 days later, they led the Israelites into sin by forming a golden calf and bowing down to the idol made of their own jewels and by their own hands.

Being given authority to lead doesn’t mean a person is released from the responsibility of following.

Moses was chosen specifically and powerfully by God to lead the people out of slavery in Egypt. God worked miracles through Moses – through his staff, through his hands, through his words – miracles clearly designating Moses as the leader of the people. Yet Moses knew that these miracles and the authority to lead were not from himself. He demanded, with shocking boldness, that God’s presence go with him. While he led the Israelites, he was not exempt from following God’s ultimate leading.

Being a leader means stepping aside when another person has something valuable to offer.

Moses and his upraised staff, by the power of God, led the people across a dried path through the middle of the Red Sea. The Egyptians drowned. When the people reached the opposite shore and saw the work God had done on their behalf, Moses’ sister Miriam took up a tambourine and she led a dance of worship.

Being a leader means sometimes relinquishing authority, passing on knowledge, and trusting that others are also capable.

Moses’ father-in-law Jethro visited their camp and watched Moses address various disputes among the people. Hundreds of thousands of Israelites had come out of Egypt and Moses was clearly overwhelmed by the problems they carried with them. Jethro suggested Moses appoint men of character and honor to be leaders over groups of fifties, hundreds. Moses would teach them God’s laws and then trust them to enact justice accordingly.

Being a leader doesn’t mean a person doesn’t sin or face consequences.

Moses led the people out of Egypt and through their desert wanderings for decades. He was “the most humble man who ever lived” and had a uniquely intimate relationship with God. Yet he was kept from entering the Promised Land because one day he had beaten a rock instead of speaking to it, as God had commanded him. Water still gushed from the rock but God told Moses that because of his disobedience he would not be allowed to enter the Promised Land. Moses climbed a mountain, God showed him the land, then Moses died and God buried him.

What have you learned about leadership in your life overseas?

This article was originally published on

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