Healthy Leaders


Building Healthy Leaders, Part 8 – The 4Ds, Session 1 –  Video

Robert WalterRobert Walter

If you’re building a house, what goes into the process? If you’re building a plastic table, what goes into the process? Of course, these are very different processes, reflecting very different goals. The process must match the goal. The process of leader development proceeds from the goal and must correspond to it. If our goal is academic, then a purely academic process (books, papers, exams, desks, etc.) is appropriate. However, if we change the goal to the building of the whole person, we must also change the process. An academic process will not achieve a holistic goal. A holistic goal requires a holistic process.

Presented by our Director of Training, Robert Walter, this is the eighth video in our Building Healthy Leaders series and presents the process we must follow in training and developing leaders.

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