God Will Not Overlook What You Have Done For Him
Everyone gets down sometimes and feels like they aren’t valued and that they don’t matter. The thing is, you DO matter. You ARE valued. Very much so!
Dionna SanchezEveryone gets down sometimes and feels like they aren’t valued and that they don’t matter. The thing is, you DO matter. You ARE valued. Very much so!
Dionna SanchezDo you ever feel like you’ve stumbled into your leadership role? Take for example, Queen Esther. She pretty much fell into the role of queen, and never intended to be such a powerful and pivotal figure! God knew her courage, her devotion to Him and His people, and He knew she would touch the heart of the King.
Dionna SanchezEveryone struggles with something and that’s okay – as long as we recognize that there is Someone much stronger than we are Who can help us overcome any sinful weakness or issue that we are dealing with if we allow Him to do it.
Dionna SanchezBernard Baily said, “When science discovers the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to find they are not it.” Leaders can lose sight of how much others contribute to the whole scheme of things tending to allow pride to lead. Dionna highlights the necessity of keeping self in perspective through humbleness. She [...]
Dionna SanchezDogs are exuberant in their joy. They exhibit it when they see you coming. It never matters how long – it could be ten minutes or ten hours – their joy is just as exultant. They know their purpose is to share that joy with you. However, it’s easy to get to a place in life where you forget the joy that you first found in your role. To [...]
Dionna Sanchez