Healthy Leaders


Rest for Our Souls

Elaine VitikainenElaine Vitikainen

The last few months were tough. I was trying to juggle the following: my training and consultancy work in Cambodia; the relentless assignments and exams of a demanding Masters’ program; translating a harrowing documentary about Philippines for national TV in Finland; and of course being a wife and mother. On top of everything (or maybe because of everything) I was having terrible and persistent headaches. I knew I needed to do something. But I struggled to admit that I had to let go of things, commit them to God and take a break.

Most of us are probably too busy. We run the risk of letting our work dictate who we are, consuming our identity. We become less of a spouse, a parent, a sibling and/or a friend.

I don’t find it easy to admit that I’ve let work get on top of me. After all, I’m a mature adult who should be able to handle everything that life throws at me. I don’t like accepting that I’m tired and getting worn-out. I treat myself like a machine, keeping going until I run out of energy. This puts me in danger of needing major repair, rather than simple refreshment. I’ve learned I need to take breaks and seek rest.

I remind myself what God has to say about this:

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matt. 11:28)

God offers rest – not just for our physical bodies but for our hearts as well.  God is calling for our souls to rest.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

This week, how will you respond to God’s call to rest? How will you restore your body, mind and soul?

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