Be one. Build many.
Avoiding The Church Comparison Trap
Comparing your church to another church can be one of the worst things you do as a church leader. Instead, learn from churches.
Thom S. RainerLeading Without Agendas
A professor of spirituality and ministry discovers that trust grows when leaders notice and release their own agendas.
L. Roger OwensWhy the Missional Movement Will Fail: Part 2
My last post, “Why the Missional Movement Will Fail” caused quite a stir and the overwhelming response seemed to require a follow-up post. So consider this Part 2.
Mike BreenWhy the Missional Movement Will Fail
The engine creates the force that enables movement. A “missional” church is the new car that many are talking about right now, but no matter how beautiful or shiny the vehicle, without an engine, it won’t go anywhere.
Mike Breen5 Characteristics of Childlike Faith
Childish and childlike are similar words with vastly different meanings. The former encapsulates all the worst things about children – petulance, immaturity, obnoxiousness, selfishness, and so on. It is antithetical to faith. The latter, though, describes all the beautiful things about children – trust, joy, innocence, curiosity, wonder, [...]
Barnabas PiperMentoring the Mentors
Mentors are normal people like all the mentees. Mentors try to appear strong and confident in their projection of looking at problems and pains. But deep within, they are as weak and vulnerable as others. There are three areas where I think mentors need mentoring.
Herman MoldezGive a Cup of Water
Recently I have been talking with them about the challenges they face when sharing the love of Christ and the Gospel. How can we share the Good News if we have memories of failures? What if we are shy and hesitant to speak up, or to speak boldly?
Jim BrennemanRewards of Leadership
Rewards come in all shapes and fashions. David exhorts us that the greatest reward of leadership is being forced to frequently confront and admit our own shortcomings, constantly growing even as we are the catalysts for others to grow.
David GoodmanFour Responsibilities of Elders
Scripture lays out the responsibilities for elders, but, sadly, these responsibilities are often sidestepped, altered, or neglected in the church.
Eric Roberts6 Questions Shaping Your Week of Ministry
Just yesterday I sat down with a church planter and helped him to structure his week. No one had ever helped him with a grid for how each day should be organized and the possibilities that this could unleash. Here are some priority-centered questions that can help you shape your week.
Alan BriggsFirst In, Last Out Leadership
By adopting a healthy “first in, last out” leadership approach, you will be well on your way to setting a lasting example for the people in your care.
Dan Lovaglia10 Keys for Compelling Teaching
Landmarks are signs that provide clear direction. They help us keep our bearings and move us down the right path. Craig shares ten up-close and personal ways to be a compelling teacher of God’s Word.
Craig ParroFostering an Environment of Collaboration
I’ve been in many church offices where I observe walled-off office after walled-off office. Collaboration is paramount to a healthy church culture. Even if you are the only paid staff member you still need to be collaborating internally on projects, creativity, and other things.
Joe HoaglandDog Diversity
How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb? Golden Retriever: The sun is shining. The day is young. We’ve got our whole lives ahead of us. And you’re inside worrying about a stupid, burned-out light bulb? Border Collie: Just one. Not only that, but I’ll replace any wiring that’s not up to […]
Alan SmithThe Most Under-Rated Word in the Life of Christian Leaders
I don’t know what condition you are in right now. I have read the studies about pastors, but more importantly I drink a lot of coffee with church leaders. Some of you are exhausted, discouraged and want to throw in the towel. Some of you are full of vision and bursting with excitement for what God is doing at this very moment. This may [...]
Alan BriggsSingle Tasking
Smartphones are indispensable for today’s leader, yet smartphones get us off track as well. On the plus side, multitasking is phenomenally enabled by those handhelds. However, focusing on one thing for an extended period, without electronic interruption, significantly impacts our results. Leaders must learn to balance multi-tasking and [...]
Corey OlynikCan I Borrow Your Glasses?
Research provided by McKinsey’s Organizational Health Index suggests that one of the most important behaviors for effective leadership is “seeking different perspectives.” Why do leaders choose to “go it alone?” What are the mental roadblocks that prevent leaders from taking advantage of the value of different perspectives?
Paul MetlerEnjoying Silence?
In order to come to a place of silence and experience God’s presence, I have found it necessary to deal with the noise in my outer and inner life. I need to know how to allow that noise to either become a part of the background or to allow it to become transformational through the surfacing and dealing of those inner thoughts and [...]
Stephen Mayers