What if I told you that Jesus didn’t want us to win converts? What if I said that in all of Scripture we are never told to convert anyone? What if I proposed that people “accepting Jesus into their lives” does not fulfill our mission?
Tyler Edwards
I remember one leader admitting to me, “I would never want to work my way out of the job.” At the time, I was shocked. On reflection perhaps he was just being more honest than most of us dare. To create forward momentum we constantly need new people to step into greater responsibility. Cultivating leaders is critical.
Elaine Vitikainen
Great mentors share how they think rather than teaching people about what they do.
Corey Olynik
The classic argument – nurture or nature – is well represented in leader development philosophies everywhere. We would all agree that some people are “born leaders,” but is it really that simple?
Malcolm Webber
A true leader is one who helps those following Him to become like the ONE he is following.
Joe Holman
If you want to be the kind of leader whose organization is on the cutting edge, stop asking for someone to give you an answer you already know. Great leaders have the courage to act!
Mike Mowery
If you’re serious about seeking out godly leadership, begin by visiting your children’s and youth ministries.
Dan Lovaglia
May students not be seen as projects, but instead be seen as extremely valuable people who need to be reached through the Gospel, discipled in the Gospel, and set free with the Gospel to reach other students for the glory of Jesus Christ!
Shane Pruitt
Ever feel like your life is a constant battle? Want three keys to turning those battles into minor skirmishes? These battles are where the enemy seeks to render us ineffective in our work for our Lord. Scott reminds us that God is the owner of all aspects of a true leader’s life and calling. Releasing the ownership of these aspects to [...]
Scott Rodin
I spent last week expanding on the first goal we tend to overlook in our leading: investing in our own development and growth in Jesus. In this week’s podcast, I explore four other goals we frequently overlook in our leadership.
Pete Scazzero
We must “do the work before the work” of leading others. In other words, we must ensure that we possess a sufficient inner journey so that our outer journey of work flows from a deep center with Jesus.
Pete Scazzero
Either initiate some action, get on board with what someone else is doing, or step aside and stop contributing to the bottleneck. There are two equally good and important options for engagement: lead or follow. Am I doing one of those, or do I need to get out of the way?
Allen Hamlin Jr
Adults know what they know and know what they want to know. They will tune out even the most gifted or well-prepared teacher if they perceive the upcoming message isn’t of value to them. Dr. David Goodman explores how to overcome this reality.
David Goodman
Every good leader knows he or she doesn’t know everything. But that’s not what leadership is about. Leadership is intentionally moving yourself and others toward a goal.
Jess MacCallum
Why I’m most grateful for the worst examples of leadership.
Adrian Pei
As a child in Africa, it took two weeks for us to learn of the death of my own grandmother by way of a telegram relayed from continent to continent and handed off to a bicycle courier who made the day-long trip in hopes of a gratuity upon delivery. Things have changed.
David Goodman
Barnabas, the “son of encouragement,” demonstrates mentoring in some ways we might find surprising. Dr. David Goodman examines five qualities in this gifted mentor’s ministry, for each of us to emulate (including, possibly needing to kiss a few frogs).
David Goodman
Leaders who build leaders should themselves be involved in the daily responsibilities of leadership. They should not teach in some artificial environment removed from the real world.
Malcolm Webber
We must first teach our students to pursue service, and watch their influence and leadership naturally expand as a result. When we choose to serve, everything else seems to fall into place.
Tim Elmore
Change is a necessary part of leadership, so what are the principles for leading a healthy change process?
Vince Miller