We dive into why so many young adults feel constant anxiety and uncertainty and how to deal with it, with strategies for young adults themselves and every leader who leads them.
Carey Nieuwhof
Perhaps what might help us over our hurdles is not to hide how costly disciple-making is, but to be utterly honest and explicit about the costs, and hold them out in the light for us to see, and then find whether something in us might just rise to the peculiar glory of it all.
David Mathis
People often quit when they hit resistance. You might be discouraged and ready to give up. But should you?
Russell Moore
When people are well-fed with a feast of the goodness of God, then they are well-served by their worship leaders, and well-prepared to stand and open their mouths to declare His praise.
Jamie Brown
Leadership can be fun and frustrating all at the same time. If you and your team are struggling with the uncertainties of leadership, the principles and questions in this post will help you reset your perspective.
Dan Lovaglia
It’s easy to look at our brothers and sisters and see their warts and blemishes. Yet the perfect One, the holy One, the One without a single imperfection doesn’t look on His people the way we often do.
Mark Altrogge
How can a leader truly shape the life of a follower of Jesus? Here are five things we all need that God will use to holistically transform us. Be real. You are a child of God going through your own growth process in this fallen world. Your strengths are a part of you but so […]
Brent Hoover
Effective leadership development combines training, experiences, and coaching.
Eric Geiger
The longer a great team is together, the better it seems to work together, but it starts with finding the right people to join the team.
Ron Edmondson
The healthy and disciplined leader realizes he’s already broken. In this brokenness, he can be whole if he allows himself to be.
Joseph Lalonde
I think it’s vital to a healthy team that the leader be continually conscious of his or her need for influence and ways to improve upon it.
Ron Edmondson
In Part Four of “Are You an Abusive Leader?” we explore the effects of abusive leadership on their followers and organizations.
Malcolm Webber
One of the best ways to learn as a church leader is to get outside of the “church-world” and learn from other industries.
Paul Alexander
I’ve got some bad news; you’re tired. And it’s worse than you think. It always is. We don’t recognize it until it’s too late.
Alan Briggs
In Part Three of “Are You an Abusive Leader?” we take a hard look at the personal qualities of abusive leaders, as opposed to servant leaders.
Malcolm Webber
I know if you’re a child of God and trusting in Christ, He has called you to Himself and to others. So serve people and God by pressing into the ordinary fullness of life.
Ivan Mesa
What if a key person were immediately and permanently unavailable? What would you do? It’s not a “who’s going to cover for” situation but “who’s going to take over?” Many leaders tell me it will take months, even years, to get someone ready for a key position. Yet they don’t prepare. Then when something happens […]
Corey Olynik
This week I sat through a lecture covering evangelical Christianity’s lack of diversity. The professor made his way through his material and arrived at his illustration. He was discussing the life of Johnathan Edwards. To my surprise, Edwards believed slavery was not only permissible, but biblically supported. Edwards had a blind spot. I [...]
Stephen Vaughn