Taking care of ourselves is an intentional act of good stewardship. We are the only gift we have to offer other people. Self-care gives others permission to do the same without feeling guilty. The Bible describes our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. We need to look after that temple.
Dr. Stanley Arumugam
I had been praying “God, get me outta here,” but God had a plan I did not understand. He took us deeper into the situation instead of bringing us out!
Scott Greene
2014 was the hardest and darkest year in my life. Christmas 2013, I was diagnosed with burn-out. I had to stop work completely. This was incredibly difficult. I was so used to being busy, to having my head filled with stuff, to be carrying on. I have always done so much in my own strength, relying on my own insight. But this proved [...]
Pieter Messelink
Can any of us be living through this pandemic without believing God has a message for us in the midst of it?
Scott Rodin
The Bible is not a self-help book given to us to help us become better people, better leaders, or better at whatever it is we attempt. If it is about leadership, it is about God’s rule and reign and His relentless pursuit of people.
Eric Geiger
Watch your pronouns. It might just make you a better leader!
Mike Mowery
Some folks are wrestling with/questioning the concept of “ministry calling” today, and I want to be fair to them. Here, at least from my studies, are some of their questions and concerns.
Chuck Lawless
While there are external reasons that churches begin to move the wrong direction, the majority of time it’s much closer to home. So in no order, here are some things I’ve seen church leaders do to unknowingly lead their churches towards being stuck.
Paul Alexander
No one admits to being racist. Yet it may surprise you how many people actually are. And how about you? Is there a racist bone in your body? And, if so, what should you do about it?
Malcolm Webber
Within this pandemic, our hearts long to go back to normal. But if our churches and our people are enslaved to our surplus, are we truly thriving as Christians and churches? Do we really want to go back to this?
Patrick Johnson
For me, in the midst of our lament, the Lord is reminding us that He is there with us in the midst of this global pandemic. Things may get worse, and they will get better, yet God is there with us along the way.
Joe Handley
In this series, we explore the blessings and dangers associated with them, as well as the best intentional responses to them to facilitate them in our lives. Today we discuss daily discipline.
Malcolm Webber
Pastors may lead the church as shepherds, but they are not the owners. They are not the only ones who will be held responsible for the condition of the church. That’s on us all.
Tyler Edwards
How serious of a sin is it to not wait on God? Sure, all sins are equally evil in the sight of God. No debate there. But in terms of the consequences, it’s not that bad. Right? It’s just a little impatience. No different than getting impatient in traffic or a slow line at the grocery store. It happens to everyone.
Stephen Altrogge
Do you live a blessed life? Do you share the Blessing of all blessings with a world in search of it?
Stephen Vaughn
In this series, we explore the blessings and dangers associated with them, as well as the best intentional responses to them to facilitate them in our lives.
Today we discuss the dramatic dealings of the Spirit.
Malcolm Webber
The church’s leadership team worked through the delicate discussion of whether to choose a target demographic group to focus on reaching for Christ. Here are eight questions a leadership team can ask to discover their target group.
Brian Thorstad
It’s hard for leaders to shift gears and go a different direction, even when God’s the one changing their trajectory. Letting your vision go doesn’t have to be a bad thing ‒ here are five benefits!
Dan Lovaglia
If we walk on these three paths, God will transform our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit and we will be changed daily into Jesus’ image.
Malcolm Webber