Healthy Leaders

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Articles in this category focus on the integral part that calling plays in a leader’s life and how to achieve our true calling in Jesus Christ.

27 Characteristics of a Good Idea

The vast majority of ideas are worse than worthless because they are simply bad ideas. Bad ideas will sometimes work because of luck or effort, but good ideas are much, much more likely to succeed. Life is too short to work on bad ideas. But how can we tell which ideas are “good” ones? Here is a list of characteristics of truly good [...]

Malcolm WebberMalcolm Webber

Unlikely Leaders

In Revelation 3:8 God told the church at Philadelphia that He had set an open door before them even though they had “little power.” Many times God opens a door for leaders who doubt their leadership abilities. How could I be considered a leader or have anything to offer leaders? Julie had to do some rethinking about leadership and asks [...]

Julie SunneJulie Sunne

Little Church, Big Mission

Your church may be small. God isn’t. Smaller churches will typically have fewer resources than their mega-brethren, but that doesn’t mean their mission is different. The Great Commission wasn’t given to churches with fancy buildings and large staffs. It was given to high school drop-outs who hardly had enough talent between them to [...]

Tyler EdwardsTyler Edwards