If you serve in a small church, you understand tension. You can’t get away from it. Truthfully, ministry anywhere comes with tension regardless of the size of your church. But the tensions in a small church are unique and are worth a fresh look.
Brannon Marshall
Just as the Christian life is union and fellowship, even so the church is union and fellowship. Its nature is union. Its nature is fellowship. Union and fellowship with Christ, and union and fellowship with each other – in Christ. That is all the church is: union and fellowship with each other, in Him. And every other aspect of church [...]
Malcolm Webber
None of us can forget that we aren’t just the list of tasks we do, we are the collective difference we make for those we serve.
Corey Olynik
It’s amazing how easily we forget why we do what we do. It is so easy to get caught up with our day-to-day roles and forget the vision that God has given us for our life.
Elaine Vitikainen
View the latest Leadership Laughs comic by Dennis Fletcher!
Dennis Fletcher
Whether you’re a CEO, teacher, parent, project leader or any other kind of a leader, you need to know how to coach your team. The need for coaching has never been greater. Gallup’s research shows that a team that is highly engaged has double the chance of job performance and success. Here are 30 questions you can ask to become a better [...]
Paul Sohn
Just a little rain transforms an arid desert into a magnificent blooming garden. That rain changes the arid environment and draws life from dormant seeds. The same can happen when we face changes in our lives. Sam experienced not one, but four painful organizational changes in his 24 years with World Vision. He said, “I was laid off [...]
Samuel Voorhies
Trading is an age-old system. But shouldn’t you make sure whatever you are trading is at least as valuable as what you give up?
Alan Smith
Giving advice is rarely as useful as listening. It’s never as powerful as a great question.
Suzi McAlpine
Listen to our new episode of In the Word with Malcolm Webber.
Malcolm Webber
I am not a medical doctor or counselor, but I have learned the rhythms in my own life and have sought counsel continually from leaders I respect. I have seen and also learned the hard way that pushing through seasons of exhaustion can backfire. Here are signs I look for and encourage other leaders to look for in their own lives.
Eric Geiger
This is a precious story written by an Asian leader during a time of deep trial and brokenness in her life.
LeaderSource Team Member
Abusive leaders and servant leaders relate to power differently. Find out more in this brief excerpt from Abusive Leadership by Malcolm Webber.
Malcolm Webber
David Platt discusses why many Christians are deceived.
David Platt
Do you ever feel like you’ve stumbled into your leadership role? Take for example, Queen Esther. She pretty much fell into the role of queen, and never intended to be such a powerful and pivotal figure! God knew her courage, her devotion to Him and His people, and He knew she would touch the heart of the King.
Dionna Sanchez
In the Leadership Labyrinth, Judson Edwards describes 21 paradoxes in ministry. He defines the “relationship paradox” in this way: the people who like you most will be the ones you try least to please. He writes that three kinds of people fill every church. Would you agree with his assessment?
Charles Stone
We tend to act on things that bring us temporary joy in the moment, rather than things that are momentarily painful but bring lasting joy.
Brent Hoover
Ephesians 4:2 says, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." How can we have grace with the unexpected disturbances in our work?
Elaine Vitikainen
What should you communicate to your leader, to your boss? What needs to be shared with your leader to help him/her understand the area you are leading and stewarding? Here are three things you should communicate to your leader.
Eric Geiger