Peace Within and Around
With God’s grace, we can be at peace wherever we are.
Priya Ashvita Raj KumarBe one. Build many.
With God’s grace, we can be at peace wherever we are.
Priya Ashvita Raj KumarThe church’s leadership team worked through the delicate discussion of whether to choose a target demographic group to focus on reaching for Christ. Here are eight questions a leadership team can ask to discover their target group.
Brian ThorstadIt’s hard for leaders to shift gears and go a different direction, even when God’s the one changing their trajectory. Letting your vision go doesn’t have to be a bad thing ‒ here are five benefits!
Dan LovagliaIf we walk on these three paths, God will transform our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit and we will be changed daily into Jesus’ image.
Malcolm WebberPrayer is vital to any ministry. Would you make the commitment to pray these prayers more? What other prayers do you need to pray?
Chuck LawlessLeading a team is one of the most difficult things you can ever do. The individuals on the team are different, yet they need to work together to create a cohesive team that has a personality and life of its own.
Fred NobleLeading people in the name of Jesus is complex, demanding great wisdom and discernment. But for the last 18 months, I have been meditating on the leadership of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel. It has shaken me.
Pete ScazzeroStudies have linked empathy to greater patient satisfaction, better outcomes, decreased physician burnout, and a lower risk of malpractice suits and errors. Doctors need to understand people, not just science, and healthy leaders need to cultivate empathy in order to affect the lives of those around them.
Malcolm WebberWe long to serve with leaders who are humble, and we are wise to walk in humility ourselves. But what does humility in leadership look like?
Eric GeigerIt’s humbling to have to admit this, but I am not as merciful and peace loving as I have wanted or hoped to be.
Stephen MayersThe renewing of our minds does a great work within us. It helps us to become better leaders.
Joseph LalondeChronic worry is something you choose, but so is courage. Every day I am choosing to put my trust in the Almighty a little bit more. Make sure you are aiming at the right things, the things Jesus would want you running after.
Alan BriggsHow accurately do you estimate your ability as a leader? Do you think too highly of yourself, not highly enough, or about right? The Scriptures teach that we are inherently prone to both self-deception and pride. It’s critical for leaders to guard their lives and not assume that failure only happens to “other, weaker” leaders.
Malcolm WebberGod really loves me! Really, He does. When was the last time you contemplated that truth? In this article, Matthew reminds leaders that Jesus loves them always, and a strong illustration of this is when Jesus told His disciples to abide in Him. He also outlines a few practical ways to receive Jesus’ love every day, and to enjoy Him.
Matthew RohrsGod has wired us with intrinsic power to explore new avenues and to venture out, trusting Him who alone is omniscient and omnipresent. Perhaps we should reach out beyond the closed walls and the locked screens and start sharing our questions and hopes freely with those who journey along with us. With God we will make it through these [...]
Dr. Jessy ThomasI realized the truth of Ecclesiastes 3: “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” God had planned this season for me.
Doreen Kwarimpa-Atim